We have always thought of Sarah as "the icing on our cake". After trying, to get pregnant for years, we had decided we were probably not going to have biological children. Which was heart breaking, but the Lord had put "fostering and adoption", on both of our hearts at a young age. We simply thought this was His way of leading us down that path sooner than later.
The day before the completion of our older two son's adoption, much to our delight, we discovered we were pregnant! I just had to giggle at the Lord's timing. We were also fostering another precious baby named Joshua, at the time. Somehow, we knew she was a girl right from the start. While we looked at many girl names, Sarah was the name that seemed right. We had waited a long time for her. At the age of 30 I felt "old" to be pregnant. (oh to be 30 again:) We felt the joy that Sarah and Abraham must have felt at the knowledge that they were finally pregnant. So, the name Sarah was a natural choice.
Sarah has brought much joy and laughter to our lives. She is an eternal optimist. She sees the good in everything and everyone. She is solution driven. In her mind there is not a dilemma that cannot be fixed or a problem that cannot be solved.
She delights in each new season. She was ready to decorate for fall in August. If she had her way, she would already have the Christmas lights up. (I think she gets that trait from her Aunt:)
We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father that He blessed us with all of our children. We are thankful that He allowed us our one, "home grown", child. We are thankful for Sarah and all the joy that she brings.
Happy Birthday, Sarah! You really are always so happy!
What a precious story on how your children were all born to you Ilene! Thanks for sharing. Happy birthday Sarah!!
Happy Birthday, Sarah! Sounds like she she deserves the Barnabas award for being such an encourager. I am glad you finally added something!
Happy Birthday Sarah!! We are so blessed to have you and your family here in Dalhart. On that note, HOLY COW !!! That guy next to you is old. HeeHee. We love you!!!
Happy Birthday again Sarah!
With all those brothers you have to march to the beat of a different drummer! I was the only girl with brothers!
Sarah is sooo much her mothers daughter!
Happy day to all!
Happy Birthday a few days late, Sarah! We all need to have more of your optimistic quality! Wouldn't life be so much less stressful if we did!?
WOW!! I wish that I would have known that Sarah was having a birthday! Please give her my very, veryu best. Mrs. Walton, I was so incredibly happy to meet you and your beautiful family, and I am truly blessed to know all of you now. I hope so much that I did not disappoint you and your family, and that I can be somewhat that for which you hoped in a mate for your son, as I honestly care so deeply for him, and can also say that your family really grew on me in the short time I spent with you. Thanky you so very much for welcoming me into your lovely home and treating me with such hospitality, especially taking the time out of your schedule to meet me and talk with me. It meant so much more to me than you will ever know. I wish all the best life has to offer to all of you, and I hope to be able to keep in touch with you all if that is something you would want to do. Thank you so much again.
Dear Mrs. Walton,
Thank you so much for your comment, that was so nice of you. I would love to be able to see you all and spend a lot more time together in the future. I so much enjoyed the time I did get to spend with all of you, and I'm sorry that it had to be so short. I would love to be able to email you, but no, I never did get your email. I didn't even know that you had written me. Let me give you both of my emails just in case. ftsamhoustonprisoner@yahoo.com or docsugah@aim.com
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