Friday, October 31, 2008
Dana Abla has begun a blog for the women of FBC Dalhart. Please add it to your lists of blogs. Thank you Dana for being "willing" to take on this project. (Great idea K. :) Thank you Lord for the amazing women in the Body of Christ!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
In Search of a Great Book.
Our Sarah has caught the reading bug! We are so excited. Several times throughout the past few days, I have stopped suddenly and thought, "I have not seen Sarah lately." As I go looking for her, I find her snuggled somewhere with a big, soft, warm blanket reading a book. This is a new thing for her. In the past she has struggled with reading. I have prayed that she would "fall in love with reading".
Brian and I can look back to the point where we began devouring books. We were both about the age that Sarah is now. When I find Sarah reading, it warms my heart. It brings back memories of slower times in my life when a good book could carry me to far off places. There were times when I was younger that I would spend the whole day reading! O the good ole days:)
Anyways, Sarah is just finishing up HuckleBerry Finn. I am looking for suggestions for a book series for her. She is thirteen and loves adventure. As you could probably guess from the book she is reading now, she is not really into girly, girl books. She has read most of the American Girl books as well as Anne of Green Gables. We would love some suggestions. Please let us know if any come to mind.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sweet Friends
This morning I woke up the sound of the gentle rain. A wave of gratefulness engulfed me. I felt so aware of the bounty of God's goodness.
Over the last few weeks and days, we have been surrounded by dear friends who have exemplified Christ through their love and acts of kindness towards our family. This love and kindness has come in many different forms. Some premeditated, some random and spontaneous. All greatly appreciated
So, to all of you, I hope you know who you are, I would like to offer my truest, most sincere, heart felt, thanks. The funny thing is, you might even think that your actions might have been, "just some small thing". To us, it was HUGE.
As friends you have come along beside us and walked arm and arm beside us. You probably did not know it but without you, we probably could not have stood. You showed up at our front door on a very dark night just to pray with us and surround us with love. You pulled me to my knees to pray when I absolutely could no longer stand. Many of you have prayed scripture over us, you spoken to us out of the Spirit not out of your flesh. You have spoken the truth in love to us. You have allowed us to ask for prayer for us without requiring an explanation. You have been genuine. Thank you.
Thank you to the dear friends who dropped gifts off that we might find them on our front porch and in our mail box. Thank you for the kind notes, phone calls and emails of encouragement and support. Thank you for the sweet "vandalism" on the church windows that has brought many smiles and fun comments over the last few weeks or so. Thank you to the dear ones that prepared a meal for us that seemed to be prepared for royalty, yet it was just for us. It was a delicious meal served with such warmth. It filled our stomachs and our hearts.
Thank you to the gals who spent several hours on their knees with me, reading Scripture and claiming the Lord's promises, reminding me over and over of His faithfulness. One of those dear gals reminded me of the Biblical "sewing and reaping" principle. My prayer for all of you is that you will reap a bountiful harvest of blessing in return for the sweet seeds of kindness you have sewn into our lives. Through you we have been reminded, once again, of the magnitude of the love our Lord has for us. Thank you!
Sunday, October 5, 2008

I don't normally give movie reviews. I guess probably because there is not much out these days that is worth writing about. Fire Proof, is worth writing about. It is incredibly well done. The Kendrick brothers have outdone themselves this time. I am a huge fan of their first movies, Fly Wheel, and of course, Facing the Giants. As you might guess from these two, each new movie they make, gets better. I loved the story lines of the first two movies, but the acting left a little to be desired. This is NOT the case with Fire Proof.
I read a great review that summed things up pretty well. I posted it below.
Fireproof Movie Review: Kirk Cameron's Saving Marriage, Saving Lives
by miss poppy
Sherwood Baptist Church's media team, creators of Facing the Giants, has just released another film, Fireproof.
The film stars Kirk Cameron as firefighter Caleb Holt, who has an exemplary service record, but a terrible record as a husband. The main part of the film focuses on his efforts to save his marriage and what he learns through a book he follows called "The Love Dare." He attempts to re-win his wife's heart through things like cooking dinner for her and dealing with a personal addiction. It also features realistic fire rescue sequences.
I enjoyed Facing the Giants, but Fireproof clearly has higher production values and a better script, along with better performances. It is a highly enjoyable movie.
The film has a good deal of realism. The tone is heavy in some spots, as Caleb and his wife contemplate divorce and fight intensely with each other, but there is also a liberal amount of comic relief involving several side characters.
One thing I want to emphasize is that this film is not for children. There is nothing that would be offensive to an adult, but it features verbally escalated and physically intimidating arguments. Caleb takes out his anger violently on inanimate objects, and there are also scenes of intense fire emergencies and the aftermath of a serious car crash.
The heart of Fireproof is a mixture of love, respect, and faithfulness. The point it very poignantly reiterates is that marriage is about much more than going with the feelings of the moment. Instead, it is a lifelong commitment that is worth fighting for at great cost.
There is a point in the movie in which Kirk Cameron's character kisses his on-screen wife. However, Kirk won't kiss anyone except his real-life wife Chelsea Noble. So, the producers dressed her like the actress and shot the scene in silhouette. I just saw the movie, and I promise, you can't tell. It's a very sweet, tender scene, and I think that knowing this adds another dimension to the affirmation of marriage.
Fireproof is worth seeing, not only to support a Christ-centered ministry, but because it is a good story. The emotions displayed in the film are raw and moving; people around me in the theater were sniffling throughout many scenes. Kirk Cameron's performance is strong and believable, and he lifts the movie to a new level of reality.
I felt that the gospel message, in particular, is presented very skillfully in this film. It is laid out quite specifically, but in a way that is appropriate to the scene in which it occurs, rather than being wrenchingly tacked on in a place it doesn't belong.
I encourage you to see this movie. It affirms marriage and selfless love in a God-honoring, entertaining, and believable way, and besides, it's an exciting and fun story about likable people.
There are many reasons why I loved this movie. Aside from all of the obvious reasons, I loved that you can see some of the same cast members from the prior movies, cast throughout this movie. Also if you look closely, you will notice that Caleb Holt, (Kirk Cameron), drives the same truck that was given to the coach in Facing the Giants, with the same plates on it that say, "Jay Austin Motors," which is the car dealership from Fly Wheel. I know, I know, these are small details, but I love them.
I love that these movies started as a church backed project that was never intended for theaters. Three movies later, they are still at it. My entrepreneurial spirit cheers for them. They are facing the giants of Hollywood and standing their ground. My prayer is that Christians everywhere will cast their vote in favor of this movie by buying up tickets. If they have seen the movie already, I pray that they would buy more tickets and give them to their unsaved friends.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
BLXLLNR, Dyslexia at its best

Alrighty!! I must confess that, when leaving a comment on many of your posts, I have to put the code in more than one time. Am I alone in this or are the fellow dyslexics that struggle with the same issues? I know, I know, it might just be me:)
P.S. I have no idea why there is a line under my comment. Nor do I know how to get rid of it. Clearly, I have issues:)

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