We have heard that cancer does not just effect one family member but the whole family unit is effected. We have found that to be very true. Not only has our immediate family been empacted by Josh's illness, but so has our extended family, our friends and our community. We are grateful to have many, many people walk this journey with us. Many people have altered their lives to support and pray for us.
Our Sweet Sarah is no exception. She has given up many things as she has walked this journey with us. She has never complained.
One of the things we had planned for this summer, was a trip to the East Coast to spend time with "The East Coast Walton Family". We do not see them nearly as often as we like, but we have a fantastic time when we do manage to get together. This was the summer we had planned to do just that.
Well, as those plans changed, we cancelled travel plans for all of us but Sarah. She had been looking forward to this trip with great anticipation. Thanks to Brian's family she was still able to go.

Sarah and her cousin Kimmy
We miss her terribly, but know that she is being well loved and taken care of by our family. We are sad that she is not with us, but so excited that she is having a wonderful time. Thank you East Coast Walton Family for making this trip possible for her.

It's so exciting Sarah can have a bit of 'normal' time in the midst of the storm.
have to say I'm jealous of the gang being in OC.
We continue to pray
With love
Shirley (Sours) Cameron
Praying for you all...
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